May 29, 2016
Another week of comic talk from
Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and More.
We talk about X-Men: Apocalypse,
season finales for Arrow and Flash, Hold the door Hodor! Rebirth
has happened, and say what Cap? WayHaught finally
Indie Spotlight with Bob Frantz and Kevin Cuffe from The Elvis Adventures
Justice League...
May 22, 2016
Another week of comic talk from
Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and More.
This week we talk tattoos. Agents of
Shield had a big season finale, and so did Legends of Tomorrow.
Apparently Ram Man made Chris use profanity, and Bruce revealed the
secret of his tramp stamp.
Power Man and Iron Fist #4
Micronauts #2
May 16, 2016
Another week of comic talk from
Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and More.
This week we talk a little about the
life and work of Darwyn Cooke. Super girl gets a new home. Archie
and the Riverdale gang are going to get a full season on TV. There
is some Black Panther casting news. Also, we have a
Batman / TMNT #6
May 9, 2016
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and More.
This week we run down our Free Comic Book Day adventures, as well as our impressions of Captain America: Civil War. Apparently Avengers Infinity War 1 & 2 will have different names when they hit theaters according to the Russo brothers. Super girl may be...
May 2, 2016
Another week of comic talkfromDC,
Image, IDW, and more.
This week we talk about our
plansforFree Comic Book Day and Civil War. After the usual comic
talkwespeculate about whether or not some commissioned art has
crossedtheline. James Wan was rumored to be leaving Aquaman, and
T-Swiftmaybe Dazzler. Netflix is ordering a...