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Anime IO - A show about anime and manga for fans old and new!

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Jun 26, 2016

Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, IDW, Image and more.

This week we get caught up on our comic book reviews, we also spend plenty of time talking about the season finale of Wynonna Earp (and hope we get a season two!). Linda Carter is coming to Supergirl, and we will have a new Vixen.


Civil War II #2

Jun 23, 2016

We interviewed Citizen Jack, Game of Thrones and The Warrior artist Tommy Patterson.

Jun 20, 2016

Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more.
We've got a whole to report from Heroes Con 2016, not the least of which is the Steranko encounter. We also dive deep into the Game of Thrones episode "The Battle of the Bastards.

Indie Spotlight: Tommy Patterson

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Jun 13, 2016

Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more.

After an oh, so brief discussion of Canadian Governmental structure and local hockey we dive into plenty of comics and TV.


Classic Captain Canuck #2

Gods of War #1

Flash Rebirth #1

Detective Comics #934

Action Comics #957

Wonder Woman Rebirth #1

Jun 6, 2016

Another week of comics talk from Image, IDW, DC, Marvel and More!

We recap Tricon including an interview with Ed Brisson!

We tackle Civil War II and the first Rebirth titles.


Civil War II #1

Batman Rebirth #1

Superman Rebirth #1

Green Arrow Rebirth #1

Green Lanterns Rebirth #1

Rough Riders #3

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