Nov 30, 2016
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, IDW and more!
We give our predictions for The Inhumans and Riverdale TV shows. We also discuss our turkey hangovers.
Civil War II #7
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #9
Flash #11
Titans #5
Rom #5
Cage #2
Wynona Earp Legends:Doc...
Nov 23, 2016
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more!
We get caught up on all of the CW shows!
Moonshine #2
Revolution: G.I. Joe #1
Black Panther #8
Comic Book History of Comics #1
Black Hammer #5
Green Arrow #8
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Nov 16, 2016
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more!
Young Justice is getting a third season! PainKiller Jane is getting a movie. Lots of relationships forming on TV, Oswald and Riddler, Alex and Maggie, Ray and Rory?
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #8
Power Man and...
Nov 8, 2016
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more!
Chris has moved to Canada to avoid any civil unrest in the U.S following the election, but Chubby Wizard is going strong. Dr. Strange had a lot of cool stuff in it. Chris really doesn't like Jim Gordon. Super girl...