May 25, 2018
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, IDW, Image and more!
We deep dive into spoiler filled talk about Deadpool 2.
We also discuss the endless disappointment that was the Arrow season finale.
The WildStorm #13
Gideon Falls #3
The Three Stooges Slaptastic Slaptacular #1
The Mighty Thor: Gates of Valhalla
May 17, 2018
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more!
Batman White Knight #8
Ha Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #44
Gideon Falls #3
Amazing Age #0
May 10, 2018
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more!
We talk about the annual event that should be considered a religious holiday, Free Comic Book Day!
Hal Jordan and The Green Lantern Corps #43
The Hunt For Wolverine #1
DC Nation #0
Thor #703
May 3, 2018
Another week of comic talk from Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and more!
This week is all about the first, big comic movie of the summer, Avengers Infinity War, so strap in and prepare yourself for a spoiler filled discussion.